Second round Notice] First International Xianggu Mushroom Industry Innovation Expo

June 10-11 The First International Xianggu Industry Innovation Expo will be held on June 10-11, 2023, at the Zibo Convention and Exhibition Center in Shandong Province, China. The theme of this expo is "Opening the Era of Xianggu Globalization ". During the event, there will be professional exhibitions, main conferences, visitors, and business negotiations. Representatives from major edible fungi-exporting countries and regions such as Southeast Asia, Japan, South Korea, Europe (Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, France), the United States, and Canada will be invited to gather together and consolidate the wisdom and power to promote the high-quality development of the Xianggu industry. All conferences of the First International Xianggu Industry Innovation Expo are free of charge and attendees are responsible for their own accommodation and meals. The following is the second round of announcements: I. Conference Name The First International Xianggu Industry Innovation Expo II. Conference Theme Opening the Era of Xianggu Globalization III.Sponsors China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-Products International Joint Research Center for the Creation of New Strains of Edible Fungi Mycological Society of China Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences IV. Organizers Zibo Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Zibo Municipal Bureau of Commerce People's Government of Zichuan District, Zibo City Shandong QIHE Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. V. Advisory Units International Society for Medicinal Mushroom Research (ISMM) International Society for Mushroom Science (ISMS) World Society for Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (WSMBMP) National Edible Fungi Industry Technology System VI. Co-organizers Shandong Edible Fungi Association Edible Fungi Professional Committee of Shandong Microbiology Society Jinan Fruit Research Institute, China National Association of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives VII. Event Agenda Part One: Conference Registration Date: June 9th, 9:00-20:00 Location: Front Plaza of Hall B, Zibo International Convention and Exhibition Center (100 meters to the right after entering the north gate of the center) Part Two: Industry Observation at QIHE Biotech Mushroom Intelligent Factory 1.Pre-conference Observation: Date: June 9th, 14:30-17:30 The planned observation route is from the conference registration area to the QIHE Bio-tech XiLou Intelligent Factory. Specific route will be provided with further notice. 2.Post-conference Observation: Date: June 11th, 16:00-18:00 The planned observation route is from the conference registration area to QIHE Bio-tech XiLou Intelligent Factory. Specific route will be provided with further notice. Special Note: The content of pre-conference and post-conference observations is the same. Representatives who have registered online for this event are requested to select the preferred time slot for the visit (choose one) in advance. Part Three: The 1st International Xianggu mushroom Industry Innovation Expo (I) Conference Dates: June 9th to 11th, three days, with full-day registration on June 9th. (II) Conference Venue: Shandong Zibo Qisheng International Hotel and Zibo International Convention and Exhibition Center Address: No. 69 Beijing Road, Zhangdian District, Zibo City, Shandong Province Telephone: 0533-2808777 (III) Proposed Schedule and Invited Guests: 1.Belt & Road & Mushroom Equipment Pioneer Symposium 13:30-16:30 Proposed Invited Guests: (1) Mr. Shouhai Xu, Chairman of Lianyungang Guoxin Edible Fungi Complete Equipment Co., Ltd. Topic: How Chinese Edible Fungi Equipment Enterprises Align with the World - Reflections and Models of Guoxin Company. (2) Mr. Zhousheng Wang, Senior Engineer, Director of the Utility Process Department of Wuxi Industrial Architecture Design Institute, Chief Engineer of Guangzhou Yatai Design Institute Jiangsu Branch. Topic: Design and Construction of Modernized Mushroom Factories. (3) Mr. Xiaodong Pei, CEO of Yunhang Juncheng (Beijing) Digital Technology Co., Ltd. Topic: To be determined. (4) Mr. Xiaoqing Fan, Vice General Manager of Zhejiang Qingfeng Modern Agricultural Equipment Co., Ltd. Topic: Intelligent and Efficient Environmental Control Systems Empowering the Globalization of Xianggu Mushroom Industry and new Era. (5) Mr. Chengyuan Zhang, General Manager of Beijing Guodian Electric Power New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Topic: How New Energy Supports the Development of Edible Fungi Enterprises. (6) Mr. Yaping Pan, Vice General Manager of Guangdong AIM Energy-Saving Technology Co., Ltd. Topic: Application of Integrated Air Source Heat Pump Technology in High-Quality Mushroom Intelligent Drying Production. (7) Mr. Chaoqing Mo, General Manager of Dongguan COLDMAX Technology Industry Co., Ltd. Topic: Application and Achievements of Vacuum Preprocessing in Mushroom Spawn Production and Transportation. (8) High-level Dialogue: How Equipment and Digitalization Support the "Going Global" Strategy. 1.Belt and Road Xianggu Mushroom Industry "Going Global" Strategy Symposium 16:30-18:00 Proposed Invited Guests: (1) China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation Topic: To be determined. (2) Mr. Chuanwu Liu, Founder and Chairman of Huahe International Business Consulting Agency, Former Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. Topic: How to Develop the Edible Fungi Market along the Belt and Road. (3) Lachouvaris Eleftherios (Greece) Topic: The Current Situation and Future of Mushroom Cultivation in Greece and the Production of Vitamins by Using Xianggu Mushrooms. (4) Ms. Weining Cui, Manager of Foreign Operations Center, Shandong Qihe Bio-tech Co., Ltd. Topic: To be determined. (5) High-level Dialogue: Dialogue on the "Going Global" Strategy along the Belt and Road. Evening June,9 Xianggu Mushroom Gourmet Tasting Event 18:00-20:00 Morning June,10 1.Guest Tour of the Venue 8:30-9:00 2.Conference Opening Ceremony 9:00-10:00 3.Keynote Speech 10:00-12:00 Planned Invitations: (1) Academician Yu Li, a national model for poverty alleviation, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, chairman of the International Society for Medicinal Mushrooms, and professor at Jilin Agricultural University. Topic to be determined. (2) Researcher Qi Tan, vice president of the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, chief scientist of the National Edible Fungi Industry Technology System, and president of the World Society for Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. Proposed topic: Historical status and trends in the development of the Xianggu mushroom industry. (3) Mr. Jianchang Su, General Manager of Shandong Qihe Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Topic to be determined.     Afternoon June,10 4.Summit Dialogue: How to achieve high-quality development of the Xinaggu mushroom industry in China 13:30-14:30 5.International Symposium on the latest advances in Xianggu mushroom breeding, cultivation, and market 14:30-18:30 Planned Invited Guests: (1) Researcher Jinxia Zhang, Chairman of the Edible Fungi Branch of the China Seed Association, the first chief scientist of the National Edible Fungi Industry Technology System, chief scientist of the first "973" project in the field of edible fungi, and researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Proposed topic: Knowledge and challenges in Xianggu mushroom strain selection in production practices. (2) Professor Yinbing Bian, Vice Chairman of the Mycological Society of China, Director of the Institute of Applied Mycology at Huazhong Agricultural University, and a scientist of the National Edible Fungi Industry Technology System. Proposed topic: Reflections on the intelligent production of high-quality Xianggu mushroom spawn. (3) Researcher Weiming Cai, recipient of the Special Government Allowance from the State Council, currently the director of the Institute of Horticulture, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, member of the National Edible Fungi Industry Technology System Implementation Expert Group, and a scientist in the field. Proposed topic: Direction and practice for the high-quality development of the Xianggu mushroom industry in Zhejiang. (4) Researcher Chunyan Song, director of the Key Laboratory of Southern Edible Fungi Resource Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, expert in the Xianggu mushroom variety improvement position of the National Edible Fungi Industry Technology System, and deputy director of the Institute of Edible Fungi, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Proposed topic: Innovation in Xianggu mushroom germplasm resources and the achievements of fine variety development. (5) Professor Xiaohui Yuan, Education Center for Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms, Jilin Agricultural University, and Key Laboratory of Fungal Phenomics, Jilin Province. Proposed topic: Precision breeding of edible mushrooms using artificial intelligence. (6) Researcher Yu Li, Institute of Edible Fungi, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Proposed topic: Application of liquid Xianggu mushroom strain in the production of mushroom spawn in a factory setting. (7) Mr. Lujun Zhang, Associate Researcher at the Edible Fungi Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Director of Qihé Biotechnology Research Institute. Proposed topic: Key Elements for Establishing a Commercial Breeding Platform for Xianggu Mushroom Industry. (8) Mr. Rongbao Wang, General Manager of Shandong Qihe Fungus Industry Co., Ltd. Topic to be determined. (9) Mr. Qingyang Zhang, Agriculturalist at Qingyuan County Edible Mushroom Industry Center. Proposed topic: Investigation Report on Patents in China's Xianggu Mushroom Industry. (10) Mr. Katsu masa, President of MycelTechLab. Proposed topic: A Comparison and Future Outlook of Xianggu Mushroom Production Systems in Japan and China. (11) Mr. Hung Chi Chung, Director of RIEUL Agricultural Mushroom Research Institute. Proposed topic: Current Status and Prospects of Mushroom Industry in South Korea. Evning June,10 Qihe Mushroom BBQ Buffet Music Festival: 18:30-21:00. Morning June,11 Report Meeting: Integrating Mushroom Industry into Secondary and Tertiary Industries: 8:30-11:30. Proposed invitees: (1) Professor Dawei Wang, former Dean of the School of Food Science and Engineering at Jilin Agricultural University, currently Director of the "Integrated Research Base for Mushroom Processing Technology" under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Executive Deputy Director of the "National-Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Economic Fungi Research and Utilization" under the National Development and Reform Commission, and Director of the Jilin Provincial Research Center for Grain Deep Processing and Efficient Utilization. Topic to be determined. (2) Mr. Jian Liang, CEO of ShiYeTouTiao. Proposed topic: The Triple Leap from Xianggu Mushroom to Xianggu Food Industry. (3) Mr. Xiuyou Zhang, Partner at FanQie Capital and ZhaiMen Supply Chain. Proposed topic: Leveraging the Advantage of Catering Supply Chains for the Development of Mushroom Industry. (4) Researcher  Chao Ma, Director of the Edible Fungi Research Center (Functional Food Research Center) at the China National Supply and Marketing Cooperatives Jinan Fruit Research Institute, Secretary-General of the International Society for Mushroom Science Post-Harvest Expert Workstation, Director of the China Edible Mushroom Association, and Vice President of the Shandong Edible Mushroom Association. Proposed topic: Development Report on Xianggu Mushroom Processing Industry. (5) Ms. Jing Liu, Special Assistant to the Chairman of Shanghai McKintey Group. Proposed topic: The Future of Pre-made Dishes and Pre-processed Xianggu Mushroom Products. (6) High-level Dialogue: Integrating the Mushroom Industry into Secondary and Tertiary Industries. Afternoon June,11 1.Report on how the Xianggu mushroom industry can support rural revitalization and high-quality development of county-level economy.  Time: 13:30-16:00. Proposed guest speakers: (1)Zhiyuan Gong, Researcher , Director of the Edible Fungi Industry Technology System Cultivation Laboratory of the National Key Laboratory for the Utilization of Agricultural Waste Resources, Research Fellow at the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Topic to be determined. (2) Mr. Sheng Wang, Deputy Secretary-General of China Chain Experience Association, Director of the Procurement Professional Committee and Self-owned Brand Professional Committee. Topic to be determined. (3) Mr. Linchun Li, Partner of Shenzhen Jiuneng Brand Management Company, Independent Director of Fenjiu Co., Ltd. Proposed topic: How regional mushroom brands can support regional economy. (4) Mr. Youcai Liu, Chief Strategy Officer of Proposed topic: The impact of brand creation on rural revitalization. (5) Ms. Xiaoyu Tian (XiaoTian GuNiang), agricultural creator on Douyin (Chinese version of TikTok). Topic to be determined. (6) High-level dialogue: How the Xianggu mushroom industry can support rural revitalization and high-quality development of county-level economy. Part Four: First International Xianggu Mushroom Industry Innovation Expo - Professional Exhibition 1.Exhibition Dates: June 10-11, June 8-9 (exhibition setup on June 9) 2.Exhibition Venue: B Hall, Zibo International Convention and Exhibition Center (310 Liantong Road, Zhangdian District, Zibo City) 3.Exhibition Introduction: The first International Xianggu Mushroom Industry Innovation Expo - Professional Exhibition will be held concurrently at B Hall of Zibo International Convention and Exhibition Center. The exhibition will feature a comprehensive global Xianggu mushroom industry zone,a Triple Integration of Plants, Animals, and Fungi industry innovation zone,a edible fungus innovation and intelligent manufacturing zone, and a special agricultural innovation products zone showcasing Zibo's distinctive agricultural creations. The total exhibition area will exceed 10,000 square meters. The organizing committee has invited professional buyers from major Xianggu mushroom export countries and regions, including Southeast Asia, Japan, South Korea, Europe (Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, France), the United States, and Canada, to attend the exhibition for viewing and negotiation. The exhibition also invites domestic chain retailers, chain catering services, and professional purchasers from the retail sector to attend. The organizing committee aims to promote high-quality edible mushroom products and distinctive agricultural creations from Zibo to the global market. Furthermore, in order to better serve mushroom cultivation and production enterprises, the exhibition will invite professional equipment and material companies, including those specializing in edible mushroom production automation equipment, environmental control systems, plastic products for mushroom cultivation (bags, loops, caps), engineering design, sterilization equipment, humidification equipment, etc., to showcase their latest products and create a perfect commercial cycle by connecting the entire industry chain. comprehensive global Xianggu mushroom industry zone Triple Integration of Plants, Animals, and Fungi industry innovation zone edible fungus innovation and intelligent manufacturing zone Zibo's distinctive agricultural creations and innovation products zone VIII. Conference Registration: There is no registration fee for this conference. Participants are responsible for their own transportation, accommodation, and meals. Please scan the QR code below to register online. IX.Hotel Reservation: Due to the popularity of Zibo's barbecue, local hotels in Zibo have also become extremely popular, especially during weekends when it is difficult to find available rooms. In order to meet the accommodation needs of all participants to the maximum extent, the organizing committee is coordinating hotel resources near the venue. Specific reservation information will be provided separately in the near future. Please stay tuned for further updates! X.Contact Information of the Organizing Committee Conference Registration: Dongming Zhao: 13910657921 Naixuan Xu: 18210918176 Anguo Dai: 15065897087 Kun Sun: 13518640100 Professional Exhibition: Boyu Sun: 13683237198 Tianzhang Chen: 13950097547 Xiangying Meng: 13374337806 Chengming Kang: 13506433741 Chenglei Si: 18560261019 Academic Conference: Yongde Zheng: 18750088229 Lujun Zhang: 18918162215 Overall Responsible Person: Ziqiang Liu: 13311575135 Phone: 010-87109859 Fax: 010-87109861 Please note that the final schedule shall prevail for the First International Xianggu Mushroom Industry Innovation Expo!  China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of      Foodstuffs,Native Produce and Animal By-Products Edible Fungi and Products Sub-Council May 27, 2023